Aj mina ögon will be performed at Rhytms beside Regions.
Saga Fagerström (f.1996) is a composer and flutist. She makes electronic music, sound installations and performances as well as instrumental music. Her practice involves integrating sculptures into her music as kinetic scenography and musical instruments. She creates musical interpretations of things, phenomena and forces that can be seen, touched, affected or experienced by all human beings. Through association and translation of perceptions and sensations from one sensory modality into another she creates a musical piece. Blood, gravity, thunder or silk forms the composition in a process of finding ways to represent the essence of things within a structuralist metaphysical view of the world. Her work has been presented at festivals such as the UNM-festival 2020 in Tampere, Norrköpingsljud 2022 and 2024 and performed by Norrbotten NEO, Gotlandsmusiken, Östgötamusiken among others. She also runs the record label Echo & Altar together with Adele Kosman, Anton Berglund and Arvid Kraft.

Aj mina ögon

All senses sharpened and hyperactive. Suddenly aware of particles around you, the objects’ new functions, completely logical in this state. New proportions. Your fingertips are larger than the apple you just ate. The trees reach up to your navel, and the sun is near.


UNM 2024