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In 2024, Ung Nordisk Musik Sverige (UNM Sweden) will organize the 78th edition of the UNM festival in Örebro, Sweden. Ung Nordisk Musik (UNM) is a Nordic organization that annually organizes a festival for young composers (in the term 'composer' we also include sound artists and intermedia artists) under the age of 31, with connections to one of the five Nordic countries and the Baltics. UNM's aim is to introduce unestablished and young composers to a wider audience, where they also get the opportunity to make contact with other young Nordic and Baltic composers and musicians. We achieve this by creating a music festival where the composer’s works are professionally performed and where professional meetings can take place, with room and time for social gatherings, workshops and panel discussions regarding topics relevant to the young composer generation of today.


If you’d like to know more about UNM in general, please visit


UNM 2024