Aftur kem ég heim til þín will be performed at Rhythms beside Regions.
Kaðlín Sara Ólafsdóttir is an artist recently graduated from the Institute of Sonology in The Hague. Mostly she works with cassettes and cassette players, exploring the possibilities of low-quality sound and obsolete materials. Recently, she has made compositions, live performances and sound installations focusing on nostalgia and deterioration by bringing to light the imperfections of the cassette player and connecting it to the imperfections of memory.

Aftur kem ég heim til þín

A portrait of the landscape of Eyrarbakki, a village on the south coast of Iceland where my mother‘s family is from and where I lived for the first few months of my life. The piece is created using field recordings from Eyrarbakki, capturing its quiet and isolated ambiance. It includes sounds of nature, ocean, birds, and footsteps in the snow. I aim to portray the village's geographical, cultural, and historical landscapes, emphasizing its flat terrain, close-knit community, and dwindling industry. I try to evoke nostalgia by transforming the sounds using a cassette player, a nostalgic object, to reflect my memories and my personal connection to the village.


UNM 2024