Microcosm will be performed at Rhythms beside Regions.
Josuè Blanco Balaguer is a Catalan composer based in Danmark. His work is based on the relationship between light, color and sound from a synesthetic point of view. Graduate in History on the Autonomous University of Barcelona and composition at the Liceu Superior Conservatory of Music in Barcelona, and the master program at Det Jyske Musikkonservatorium in Aarhus. He have also collaborated with Press-music Spain as editor and critic, and with the Academy of Fine Arts of Sabadell (Acadèmia de Belles Arts de Sabadell) as head of the Auditorium and music programming. He has won some prizes as the First Prize of the Quatuor à l'ouest Festival, Crozon (France), the First Prize of the Randers Kammerorkester KOMPONIST- KONKURRENCE 2021 (DK), the Juan Crisóstomo de Arriaga prize in the XXXII Young Composers Award of the SGAE-CNDM Foundation 2021(Spain). Or the young composers award by PluralEnsemble (Spain) He was Festival composer for Aarhus Kammermusikfestival 2022, and for the New Music for Strings Festival 2023.


Microcosm is a electronic-performative piece that combines acoustic elements, tools, voices with electronic elements, pre-recorded sounds, recordings of miners' voices or sounds from other mines, as well as electronic effects. Creating a spatialized soundscape, with the artistic intention to understand and explore the history of Ställbergs Gruva in sound. Joining songs, sounds, space, text, and movement in an immersive experience in different levels.

Time, matter and memory are at stake in music. These three elements are also at play in Ställbergs gruva, as well as other abandoned mines, they are the reflection of the people that lived there and who have disappeared, leaving their mark on the stones and walls. This is a local example of a global episode in human history, full of life, suffering, waiting, work and also sound.

Change and transformation are the definition of the advancement of human history, locally and globally, as well as artistically and sonically. Thus, the ultimate purpose of Microcosmos is to provide another look at the collective memory of this specific space, exploring its history through sound and connecting with the listener through their own experience and history. 


UNM 2024