Distorted Memory will be performed at Resonance against Routes.
Torbjørn Haaland (b.1999) is a Norwegian composer from the island of Stord. Haaland’s music is found between traditional and contemporary music. The meeting between abstract musical materials and structure makes exploring underlying thoughts and ideas possible. Haaland, with a background as a percussionist in Windensemble/Brassband, has among other things had performances at the Ultima Festival and the festival for contemporary music, Sonisk Hage. He has also been performed by many different ensembles such as Eikanger Bjørsvik musikklag, Ensemble Ernst, Det Norske Blåseensemble.

Distorted Memory

Distorted Memory is a piece that is based on the 2nd moment of Robert Schumann´s Piano quintet in Eb-major. fragments of the original piece gets filled with new material, giving the piece a modern sound while old fragments shine through


UNM 2024