Bercy Bus Station will be performed at Beats during Boundaries.
Nanna Lysdahl Søgaard is a Copenhagen based composer. Her work often explores the spectral aspects of sound as well as sound as both organic and synthetic material. Pernille Kaufmann is a Danish writer and experimental filmmaker living and working in Paris. Her work is often situated in the field between fact and fiction, mixing poetry with documentary text or video elements.

Bercy Bus Station

Music, video and fragments of speech are woven together in this multimedia piece, composing and decomposing unbalanced parallels and juxtapositions. In a voice-over, we hear snippets of personal notes written by a restless screenwriter on a bus journey from Paris to Barcelona. Abrupt, suggestive and unstable tableaus of music enter into dialogue with these speech fragments in metallic timbres that shifts from a wide spectrum of overtones to narrow acoustic beatings and glassy noise. As the visual interlocutor, the video is dominated by shots of traffic, transits and vessels, creating a dreamscape of half-imagined, half-remembered trips that together speak of the strange simultaneity of mobility and immobility characteristic of road journeys.


UNM 2024