Thursday 22 August (Samklangen at Kulturkvarteret)

10.00 Nasia Kotronia

For a long time I was not writing, I believe that the cause was that I felt it was not my domain - as music perhaps is. Now, it is almost impossible for me to write music without text. The workshop will be based on methodology and discussions around music in combination with text. 

*Nothing required but bring a text to read or score with text if you like to*

In three parts:
- Structures: music with text 
- Presentation of works (maybe two of mine or work in progress)
- Reading of a few texts (maybe Cage's essays loud), poetry and prose + discussions 
- general (bring something if you would like)


Drinking soda, looking into your eyes for too long
“The most interesting person you know”

I think I forgave you yesterday, on the radio,
national radio.
Shall we call each other? You would never have heard the program.
No one I know closely,
the harbor still,
have never steered a boat,
never been at the stern,
gathering the grass, birds behind the tractor,
In flocks,
flying together,
longer -
than I can.

Do you promise me?


UNM 2024