symfoni I will be performed at Tones past Transformation.
Jakob Thonander Glans (b. 1998) is a composer/performer from Oslo that has been active as a full time working musician since 2021. Alongside composing Jakob is active as an electric guitarist in the Swedish hardcore punk-band "RONÖM", and as a performer on mixed instruments in the contemporary duo "SLEDGE DUO". Punk culture has a major importance to Jakob and this can be seen in a large amount of his creative output. He states that his main mission as an artist is to create extreme reactions using brutal, comical and/or sentimental aspects.

symfoni I

symfoni I was commissioned by Insimul Sinfonietta in 2022, and sort of supported by the Norwegian council of culture (it is up for debate). The piece was updated with several larger revisions for the Swedish Chamber Orchestra and UNM in 2024.

did you know that

Camp art is:

- Something so outrageously artificial, affected, inappropriate, or out-of-date as to be considered amusing. 
(Merriam Webster, 08.02.2024)

- Artifice, frivolity, naïve middle-class pretentiousness, and shocking excess. (Notes on camp, Susan Sontag, 1964)

- Attempts at grandness, beauty or success from artists who do not live up to their own ideals. Always containing some form of failure. (Glans, 2024)

But hey, 

when you are at the brink of armageddon - do you want to spend your last moments blowing bubbles or reading heavy academic litterature? 


UNM 2024